I recognize that some people find Zahnd controversial; I find him thoughtful. Remember, you don’t have to agree with everything an author says to learn from that author. In an age when so many people are talking about “deconstructing,” I see Zahnd as a pastor who wants to help people hold on to Jesus and not abandon a historic Christian faith. If you haven’t read his own story of change, I’d recommend Water to Wine (maybe even read it before this new book). After all we’ve been through the past few years, I found Zahnd’s latest book provides an honest take on hard and frustrating realities, yet he offers hope in the midst of this dumpster fire we find ourselves in. There are some things we’ll be better off letting burn. I needed to hear Zahnd’s hopeful view of the future.

Maybe some things need to burn.


The Deeply Formed Life - Rich Villodas